There is a metre-high cement marker on the sidewalk on the west side of Morehampton Road, just before it turns into Leeson Street, which reads "Township of Rathmines 1847" (pictured left). This marks what is roughly the northern boundary of Donnybrook. Morehampton Road turns into Donnybrook Road (The Mall / Main Street) at Belmont Avenue; Donnybrook Road in turn becomes Stillorgan Road at the bridge over the River Dodder (Anglesey Bridge, constructed in 1832). Morehampton / Donnybrook / Stillorgan Road is the major artery through Donnybrook. Stillorgan Road is national route N11, which is the major route to Wicklow, Wexford, and other points in the south-east of Ireland. The RTÉ studios and the Elm Park Golf Course mark the southern limit of Donnybrook; UCD, immediately south of RTÉ and Elm Park, is in Belfield.
Here is a directory of public establishments in Donnybrook, travelling from north to south. Gaps in the numerical sequence of street addresses are residential properties.
Morehampton Road19-29 - Sachs Hotel tel 668 0995 / fax 668 6147
At the intersection with Marlborough Road, the road becomes dedicated mostly to commercial use on the west side, while the east side continues as a residential street. The public businesses on the west side of Morehampton Road are as follows:
69 - Allied Irish Bank tel 668 0366 / 668 0235 71 - Furlongs 73 - Donnybrook Business Centre 75B - Branching Out Florist tel 660 2588 77 - China City Chinese Restaurant tel 667 3902 79 - Morehampton Pharmacy (ground floor) tel 668 7103 / Service Travel Agency (first floor) tel 668 4066 81 - Coffee Club cafe tel 667 7638 / Ladies Hair Stylist (first floor) tel 668 3614 83 - McCloskey's Off License tel 668 4345 85 - McCloskey's Public House tel 660 4920 87 - Quinlan's Confectioners and Delicatessen tel 668 9529 87A - R. Crothers Skin & Beauty Clinic (first floor) tel 660 8408 89 - Donnybrook Fair supermarket tel 668 3556 91B - EBS Building Society tel 668 4062 91 - Botanica Natural Health Care tel 668 0969 91A - The Kwikprint Shop Printers and Stationers tel 660 1366 93A - Hampton Books (ground floor) tel 667 3072 / Sino-Irish Travel (first floor) tel 667 1371 93 - Ross McParland J.A.V.I. tel 667 1888 95A - formerly Jeeves Dry Cleaners and Launderer tel 668 7440 [closed; space for rent] 95B - C.J. Print and Design Ltd. tel 660 1111 97A - Christies Property Services Ltd. tel 667 0099 97B - The Butler's Pantry (caterers) tel 660 9490 99 - Donnybrook Flowers tel 667 4430 / 667 4783 99A - O'Connors Hardware tel 668 9686 101 - Moloney Mortgages Pensions & Investments Ltd. tel 668 8322 103 - Terroirs Fine Food and Wine, Sean and Françoise Gilley-Traineau proprieters tel 667 1311 103 - W. Terence Liston and Company, Solicitors tel 668 5557 / 668 4042 / 668 3241 105 - Kevin Kelly Interiors tel 668 8533intersection with Argyle Square; residential properties up to the intersection with Mount Eden Road
113 - Morehampton Lodge B&B tel 283 7499 ---> further residential properties 123 - Eden House guest house tel 269 6363 133A - Cellular World (cellular phones) tel 260 2436 135 - Madigan's Pub tel 283 0376 (lower lounge) / 283 0375 (upper floor)intersection with Belmont Aveune; at this point, the street address becomes The Mall on the west side for half a block and then becomes Main Street, and then Donnybrook Road, while the east side is Main Street from Belmont Aveune up to Pembroke Cottages, and then becomes Donnybrook Road. Continuing first on the west side, the commercial establishments are as follows:
7 The Mall - Irish Permanent PLC tel 269 4188 5 The Mall - Centra Quick Stop supermarket tel 269 3193 3 The Mall - Abrakebabra Restaurant tel 269 8286 1 The Mall - Ulster Bank tel 260 2645 / 260 2646 1 The Mall - Chartbusters video, DVD, games rentals tel 283 9466 8 The Mall - Allied Security Products Ltd. tel 269 8899 / fax 269 7361 8 The Mall - Donnybrook Pharmacy Late Night (open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week) tel 269 5236; inside is located the Art de Beauté beauty salon, tel 283 0633 8 The Mall - Marian Gale clothes boutique tel 269 7467 17 Main Street - Irish Progressive Financial Consultants Ltd (first floor) tel 269 6900 17 Main Street - Eddie Rockets Restaurant (ground floor) tel 260 1090 19-23 Main Street - Donnybrook Fire Station 25 Donnybrook Road - Biz Quip office equipment suppliers tel 283 8511intersection with The Crescent
The Crescent - Donnybrook Laundry est. 1833 tel 283 8388 37 Main Street - O'Mara Travel Co. Ltd. tel 269 6033 / Club Med tel 269 6944intersection with the other end of The Crescent
39 Main Street - Stanley Racing 41 Main Street - Garda Station (built in 1931) tel 269 3766 43 Main Street - Donnybrook Graveyard 45 Main Street - The Light Store tel 260 3055 47 Donnybrook Road - Molloy Peter Ltd. fish game and delicatessen tel 269 1678 49A Main Street - Roy Fox Gourmet Food Shop tel 269 2892
51 Main Street - Donnybrook Post Office tel 269 7304 51 Main Street - Khans Balti House (ground floor) Indian restaurant tel 269 7674 / 260 1322 51 Main Street - The Travel Department (first floor) 51 Main Street - Robert O'Riordan and Co. Auditors and Accountants (2nd floor) tel 283 7980 53 Main Street - Paul Regan Ltd. tel 269 508651 55 Main Street - All Ireland Media (AIM) media specialists tel 260 2690 55 Main Street - Carat Ireland 55 Main Street - National Irish Bank Ltd. tel 260 0266 Anglesea House (88 Donnybrook Road) - Eirpage Ltd. national paging service tel 283 7988 - Furama Chinese Restaurant tel 283 0522 / 260 0036 - Havana fashion boutique tel/fax 260 2707 - Casa Pastaintersection with Brookvale Road
Brookvale Road - Donnybrook Lawn Tennis Club tel 269 2838 Brookvale Road - Donnybrook Scout Hall tel 269 1449 Main Street and Brookvale Road - Shell Donnybrook service station tel 283 9363 Ever Ready Centre - Kwik Fit tyres tel 269 3900 - Kelly Garden Sheds tel 269 3234 - Cellular City mobile phones tel 260 2261 - Cafe Jacques coffee shop - Ever Ready Cars tel 283 0114 - Ever Ready Car Sales tel 283 0064 - Ever Ready Car Valeting Service tel 269 7277 - Bridgestone Firestone - Kealy Motors motor engineers tel 269 3112intersection with Eglinton Road
Jefferson House - Executive Travel Ltd. tel 269 7488 - Jefferson Computers service and training tel 283 0244 - ACT Venture Capital Ltd. tel 260 0533 / 260 0966 - First Step Ltd. tel 260 0988Anglesey Bridge (1832) over the River Dodder
Dublin Bus / Bus Átha Cliath - Donnybrook Bus Garage tel 703 4420 / 703 4428 12 Stillorgan Road - The Teresian School primary and secondary school tel 269 1376
127 Stillorgan Road - El Carmen (B&B) tel 269 2876 131 Stillorgan Road - Donnybrook Lodge (B&B) tel 283 7333 University College Dublin, Belfield campus
On the east side, starting opposite Donnybrook Pharmacy, the commercial establishments are as follows:
2 Main Street - Peter Breen Machine Shop tel 269 3966 / 269 3232 Mulberry Gardens (behind 2 Main Street) - Ernie's Restaurant tel 269 3300 / fax 269 3260 4 Main Street - Borza Take Away fast food behind 4 Main Street - Copy Graphics drawing office supplies tel 269 1983 / 269 3969intersection with Pembroke Cottages
6 Main Street - Biz Quip office supplies (ground floor) / Donnybrook Medical Centre (first floor) 8 Main Street - First National Building Society tel 269 4474 / 269 2931 10 Main Street - formerly Late Night Movies 10 Main Street - World Vision of Ireland (first floor) relief and development agency tel 283 7800 12 Main Street - formerly Excel Cleaners 12 Main Street - Electric Paper Ltd. tel 269 2604 behind 12 Main Street - formerly Dublin Balloon Shop behind 22 Donnybrook Road - Ciss Maddens fine ales and porter 22-24 Donnybrook Road - Kiely's tel 283 0208 (lounge) / 283 0209 (bar) 22-24 Donnybrook Road - La Finezza restaurant (above Kiely's) tel 283 7166 26 Donnybrook Road - Murphy's Barber Shop tel 283 7502 26 Donnybrook Road - C.&D. Shoes (repair and sales) tel 269 1220 behind 26 Donnybrook Road - Donnybrook Art Studio tel 668 9296 26A Donnybrook Road - Dogsbody dog grooming tel 283 0704
30 Donnybrook Road - O'Briens Fine Wines (est. 1934) tel 269 3033 / fax 269 7480 34 Donnybrook Road - Mary Clarke Beauty Salon (first floor) tel 269 2467 34 Donnybrook Road - Roche's Chemist - Seamus Kennedy Ltd. tel 269 3339 36-44 Donnybrook Road - Donnybrook House AIB Bank Centre office building 46 Donnybrook Road - Bank of Ireland Donnybrook branch tel 269 8911 48 Donnybrook Road - Longs Lounge and Bar
1-2 Rampart Lane - Donnybrook Travel tel 269 8522 / 269 8197 54-56 Donnybrook Road - Woods Spar supermarketintersection with Eglinton Terrace
Bective Rangers Football Club est. 1881 (formerly Donnybrook Fair grounds) The Bective Lawn Tennis Club operates from here also. Old Wesley R.F.C. tel 660 9893 / 668 9149Anglesey Bridge (1832) over the River Dodder
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church / Donnybrook Parish Community Centre tel 269 3926 RTÉ Studios, Donnybrook tel 208 3111Dublin Corporation operates another traffic camera (no. 33) here. The view can be seen at (again, heaven forbid I should put a link to this camera here!).