Ball, Francis Elrington. A History of the County of Dublin: The People, Parishes and Antiquities from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. Part Second: Being a History of That Portion of the County Comprised within the Parishes of Donnybrook, Booterstown, St. Bartholomew, St. Mark, Taney, St. Peter, and Rathfarnham . Dublin: Alex. Thom & Comp., 1903; repr. Dublin: Greene's Bookshop, 1995 [UCD Library 941.83 BAL] NB: Click here to see this information on Donnybrook. Thanks to Ken Finlay for putting the Ball text online (see the link below).
Burke, Helen. The Royal Hospital Donnybrook: A Heritage of Caring 1743-1993. Dublin: The Royal Hospital Donnybrook and the Social Science Research Centre of University College Dublin, 1993 [UCD Library, 610.9415 BUR] NB: Click here to visit the Royal Hospital Donnybrook web page.
Cowell, John. Where They Lived in Dublin . Dublin: The O'Brien Press, 1980
Crean, Rev. Cyril P., et al. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Donnybrook . Dublin: John T. Drought, 1966 [UCD Architecture Library, 941.83 PAR; also available from Hampton books for £20]
D'Arcy, Fergus. "The decline and fall of Donnybrook Fair: moral reform and social control in nineteenth-century Dublin," Saothar vol. 13 (1988): 7-21 [UCD Library, J941.5]
Frazer, W. "Description of a great sepulchral mound ..." Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 2nd series, vol. II, no. 2 (December 1880): 29-55
Hall, Richard Andrew. "A Viking-age grave at Donnybrook, Co. Dublin," Medieval Archaeology vol. 22 (1978): 64-83 [UCD Library S.L.C. Photocopy No. 10590]
Lattimore, Richard. The Real Donnybrook . Dublin: Kamac Publications, 1997 [available from Hampton Books for £4.95] NB: much of this book is said to be based on the unpublished memoirs of A.J. Lennan, which have since been put on a web page by Lennan's son (see the link below)
O'Dea, Laurence. "The Fair of Donnybrook," Dublin Historical Record vol. 15 (1958-59): 11-20 [UCD Library S.L.C. Photocopy No. 10612]
Ó Maitiú, Séamus. The Humours of Donnybrook: Dublin's Famous Fair and Its Suppression . Maynooth Studies in Local History: No. 4. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1995 [UCD Library, P941.835 OMA; also available from Hampton Books for £4.95]
Parkinson, Danny. Donnybrook Graveyard c800-1993 . Dublin: Dublin Family History Society, 1993 [UCD Library, P941.83 PAR]